la combinatoire en graphisme

The combinatorial is centered around the union of systems and their use as well as on their practical application methods – combination rules and module combinations. It also belongs to the mathematical field – scheduling, powers, probabilities.

The combinatorial can be a form of creativity and inventiveness, that we find in the construction set lego brickslego bricks including to generate and produce images formsforms formsforms formsforms formsforms or typographies formsforms in graphic design. Evolving, formsforms adaptable and identifiable formsforms formsforms graphics systems to repair memorization or weariness can be designed. It can be the centre of technical objects formsforms formsforms formsforms and tangible, formsforms sensory formsforms devices. Besides, there is a question of innovation.

Finally, the combinatorial can be form of limitation, a in order to organize to understand a complexity or avoid chaos. It is the case with language and its syntactical and linguistic formsforms rules just as with our Latin alphabet. Or else, there is the case of some organized systems just like Brockmann’s grid composition, formsforms determined by rigorous rules and a functionalist formsforms approach. This grid systematizes, standardizes.
But it may on the contrary, be submitted to too restrictive constraints formsformsalgorithmic formsforms instructions, game rules, formsforms procedures formsforms – which can contain and limit variation formsforms or anything unexpected formsforms in the production process.

To conclude, we can wonder about the reasons why the combinatorial systems are currently so present in graphic design.

elisa brancaz



Ce mémoire a été réalisé en vue de l’obtention du Diplôme National des Métiers d’Art et du Design mention graphisme au lycée Louis Pasteur Besançon, année 2022-2023
Typographies utilisées :
Readex Pro, ExtraLight, Light, Medium, Regular
Nadine Chahine et Thomas Jockin 2018
Anthony, Regular
Sun Young Oh 2021
©Elisa Brancaz